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Sunday, October 30, 2005

postheadericon Perky - CAG

Today was a big day in our lives ... we adopted a Congo African Grey Parrot named Perky.

Perky is 22 years old  and has had the same owner for 20 of his 22 years. We had thought this would be a difficult adjustment for him and we were not only prepared for the challenge but intended to make the adjustment as easy as possible for him.

We also have a quaker parrot named Sméagol and kept Perky under quarantine for about three weeks. We felt this was a good approach for health reasons but also allowed Perky to adjust to his new surroundings and people before introducing him to King Sméagol.

His first day was better then I expected. He seemed a little cautious but not nervous. He was eating and drinking and had about 5 minutes out of cage time. So we were pleased and felt we were off to a great start.

I was thinking this evening that our lives have forever changed ... but that's a good thing!